Kamijima Tours
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Kamijima ADventures

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Who are we?


Kamijima tours is a two person team. Matt and Momo.

Well, that is not entirely correct. This whole thing wouldn’t be possible without the support and help of the whole community in Kamijima! So technically Kamijima Tours consists of the whole community here :D

I am Matt, a Kiwi born and raised in New Zealand. Momo is Japanese. We both moved from New Zealand to Kamijima Islands end of 2018 and are still loving every minute of it! I am working for the local sushi master, and Momo was working for Kamijima Tourism Association. As of 2020, we are managing the Yuge Sea Station as well!

We know every inch of the islands, and are passionate to show everyone not just the charm of the Japanese island countryside life, not so much as a tourist destination, but as a place to relax and live. I have only been here a couple years, but I have been able to know a lot of people and become active in the slowly growing countryside revitalisation scene.

Ask us any questions that you might have!


How we work.


Me and Momo have spent a year living on the island getting to know everyone on a personal level, becoming part of the community. Because without them, there would be nothing here to show anyone.

We are part of the community: we want to do tourism differently

The only fee you pay me directly is the cost of my time to be your Island and Town guide. The rest you will pay directly to the businesses: accommodation, transport and food.

Most people here don’t speak English, but because of the relationship we have, we can take care of the organising and booking process for you. You will be able to get special extras (things you won’t get if you book directly) at some of the places you stay and eat too!

the costs on the website are estimates based on my experience. We'll tailor each package based on the times and season you visit.

Visit the accommodation, food and activities pages to find more information.

We are working with the community.

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Kamijima is a beautiful but small community. We aim to always be a collaborative force, and not be a destructive one. We have been clear that we will never take advantage of the Island or its people.

I am troubled by the affect that tourism is having in Japan, and around the world, and in a place like Kamijima, it can easily strain the fragile system that makes it special in the first place.

We always look to improve the experience for guests and travelers, as tourism is really the way forward, especially in regions such as rural Japan. This mindset is also carried over to our own effect on the community.

For the sake of sustainable tourism and our love of the island, we only accept limited bookings every year.

We will continue to strive to make Kamijima a more positive and collaborative place, and if you want to support us more, or just keep updated, please let us know anything you need help with!